



Hier werden die Unterschiede zwischen zwei Versionen angezeigt.

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debian_gnome_menu_item [2025/02/09 16:24]
raiser angelegt
debian_gnome_menu_item [2025/02/09 16:31] (aktuell)
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
 ====== Gnome Menu Item [name.desktop] ====== ====== Gnome Menu Item [name.desktop] ======
-To create a menu item entry, create a file+To create a menu item entry, create a file (e.g. I will add Ride IDE)
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-$ vi ~/​local/​share/​applications/​NAME.desktop+$ vi ~/​local/​share/​applications/​rider.desktop
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 +Now add the following content with your pathes.
 +[Desktop Entry]
 +Name=Rider IDE
 +Comment=Rider IDE
 +===== Desktop file entries =====
 +  * [Desktop Entry] the Desktop Entry group header identifies the file as a desktop entry
 +  * Type the type of the entry, valid values are Application,​ Link and Directory
 +  * Encoding the character encoding of the desktop file
 +  * Name the application name visible in menus or launchers
 +  * Comment a description of the application used in tooltips
 +  * Icon the icon shown for the application in menus or launchers
 +  * Exec the command that is used to start the application from a shell.
 +  * Terminal whether the application should be run in a terminal, valid values are true or false
 +  * Categories semi-colon (;) separated list of menu categories in which the entry should be shown
 +===== Available categories =====
 +Development ​
 +Education ​  
 +Game    ​
 +Graphics ​   ​
 +Network ​
 +Office  ​
 +Utility ​
 +==== Additional categories ====
 +==== Reserved categories ====
debian_gnome_menu_item.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2025/02/09 16:31 von raiser